

speak freely after the beep.

 Share your thoughts, funny stories, memories, "aha" moments, Life lessons, advice, experiences, fears and dreams. All stories welcome.

Feel free to digress...


Black Mothers We Want To Hear You...


What has you journey through Black Motherhood been?
What are your best memories?
Any words for future Mothers?
How has motherhood challenged you?
What are your goals as a mom?
What are some of your fears as a parent?
Did you always know you wanted to be a Mother?
Has Motherhood changed you? How?
Has anything about being a Mother surprised you? 
 What do you wish you knew before becoming a Mom?
What advice would you give your younger self?
One thing every Mother should know is?

People are talking...

Click to listen.

*Voicemail may be used in upcoming UNCODE short films and/or social media posts. Ideally each story will be used to showcase the many ways blackness is experienced, expressed, and celebrated - our history, our present, and our future.